Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Ut'záh (It Is Done)

I moved up to Gallup on Tuesday. My aunt works out of here during the week and then goes back to Quemado on weekends. I bought my tickets to go back to the east coast on Friday. I ate goat and sheep and hung out with a bunch of Navajo people. The Navajo Nation is about the size of Connecticut and acts in and out of the laws of the United States in that it superseded the States by a while. I think that's why my aunt likes dealing with it so much. It's a really odd case of jurisdiction. I climbed around on some rocks and that was fun. This is Spider Rock. The Spiderwoman lives up there and taught the Navajo how to weave baskets.
There are a lot of Indian casinos nearby. I think I should take advantage of them coupled with the fact that I'm finally 21. Just like I still need to by a drink on an airplane. Those are the coming of age thresholds I've yet to cross.
The only thing to drink in this house is hard lemonade.
I'd still rather be cowboying than exploring and leaving.
I was listening to Tom Waits all morning but this has been stuck in my head.

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